Monday, November 21, 2011

Silver Market Update [; November 20th, 2011]

We have had a major rethink since the last update was posted, which was one reason why no update was posted last weekend. This rethink has been occasioned by the rapid tilt towards deflation of the past couple of weeks. In the last update you may recall that we assumed that politicians and world leaders would follow the easiest route of QE which would lead in the direction of hyperinflation, but we really should know by now that you can't assume anything in this business. For sure, most of them would like to follow this route, for it buys them the maximum time before they end up at the end of a rope, but unfortunately for them they are losing control and things are starting to fall apart at alarming rate. Details of the latest thinking re the deflation/hyperinflation arguments are set out in the parallel Gold Market update, to which you are referred, and it will suffice here to give as examples of the tilt towards deflation the moves in the US to rein in the deficits and of course the spiking bond interest rates in Europe - if we do not see dramatic large scale intervention by the European Central Bank (ECB) involving a massive blast of QE, Europe will be finished shortly as a united economic entity, and after a possible temporary party to celebrate the demise of Europe, the US Treasury market will collapse.


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